
good news iran: The benefits of nuts in Coronavirus (covid-19)

Tehran (ISNA) – Nuts in Coronavirus are beneficial for our health. Covid-19, or Coronavirus, is a virus that implants vital signs in humans by planting in the respiratory tract. Sadly, many people have been infected with the virus at this time. These days we have tried to collect an article for you in which we will mention several nuts that are useful to fight against the Coronavirus.

Nuts in Coronavirus can boost the immunity system

Nuts in Covid-19 can strengthen the immune system with the help of nutrients. The stronger a person’s immune system appears, the faster and better the fight against the disease. Experts and physicians have stated that in the era of coping with Corona, paying attention to proper and nutritious nutrition is more effective than ever in having a healthy body.

The presence of various nuts, dairy foods, steamed foods, seeds, and fruits in the diet is essential. For this reason, you must buy first-class and quality Nuts in Coronavirus for your food basket. Pistachio is one of the most valuable Nuts in Coronavirus to strengthen the immune system. Buy pistachios, but only the first-class and suitable type of it.

What Nuts good for Corona?

Nuts can affect our performance due to their unique nutrients and vitamins. In the following, we will introduce some valuable nuts and dried fruits that are helpful to eat during the corona pandemic. Nuts in Coronavirus should not be seen only as a snack because their properties are so high that they should be in everyone’s diet.

Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment.  Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.

Pistachio: Pistachio is known for its antioxidant properties. By eating pistachios, you help your immune system a lot. The antimicrobial properties of pistachios are apparent, and their use is recommended for those who have heart disease; because consumption of pistachios increases the good and necessary cholesterol of the body and prevents clogging of the arteries. Your fat and blood pressure are controlled by the green kernel of this delicious nut. If you want to buy pistachio, be sure to visit a reputable store.

Almonds: Another nut that has antioxidants is almonds. Almonds help strengthen the mind and strengthen bones. At the same time, they are arming the body against disease agents.

Cashews: Cashews are very good for the body’s health because they have anti-cancer properties and prevent many diseases. If you are not allergic to this type of almond, be sure to include eating a few kernels a day in your diet.

Hazelnuts: By eliminating heart disease, hazelnuts help to facilitate blood flow in the body, and as a result, we will have a healthier body that is more resistant to diseases such as the Coronavirus. Hazelnuts are effective in improving the function of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory organs.

Walnuts: Walnuts are another critical nuts that have many properties. In addition to strengthening the brain and empowering nerve cells, walnuts relieve constipation and sleep disorders. Proper rest and adequate sleep protect the body against disease.

Japanese seeds: Japanese seeds, although a little hard to eat, have remarkable properties. For example, various cancers significantly reduce anemia and insomnia, which is unique in its kind.

Chilgoza: These tasty and rare nuts have a warm nature, which is an excellent immune system function. These Nuts in Coronavirus are also effective in treating muscle aches that act as painkillers.

Apricot leaf: One of the most popular nuts in Iran is the apricot leaf. The many vitamins and minerals that are accumulated in this dried fruit relieve constipation. As you know, constipation is the cause of many physical ailments that must be treated. Apricot leaf also fights free radicals that are harmful to the body’s health and improves respiratory diseases. Apricot leaf is one of the most effective nuts in Coronavirus.

Mango leaf: Mango has anti-cancer properties, strengthening the immune system while also relieving cough and shortness of breath. Mango is effective in treating colds and calms the nerves. Some diseases occur in the body when we have a weak immune system. One of the factors that weaken this system is stress and anxiety. High levels of the hormone cortisol in the blood also lead to such events.

Plum leaf: One of the prosperous sources of vitamin C can be introduced as a plum leaf. Plums help treat anemia, the flu and colds, and many other ailments. Digestive problems are also solved with the help of plum leaves and bring you a healthier body.

Dates: Dates by keeping the body warm and having a lot of energy can significantly impact health in the process of treatment or prevention of disease. It is also helpful for the heart and controlling other diseases. One of the most beneficial nuts in Coronavirus is Date.

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