Economy & Politico

Iran interests in enhancing activities within IORA framework

Thanking the secretary general of IORA for his attendance at the meeting, Safari said that the Indian Ocean, as the third largest ocean in the world that communicates among states and ports, passes 50 percent of international traffic and two-thirds of oil ships.

Referring to the Indian Ocean littoral states’ important role in the world, Safari highlighted that IORA is expanding and can play a more prominent role as an international and regional platform.

He described the successes and cooperation in the areas of maritime transportation, risk management, technologies, tourism, and cultural exchanges as well as empowering women as a sign of the platform’s efficiency.

As one of the seven largest unions in the world, IORA is on the path towards achieving its goals and needs to expand economic cooperation, Safari added..

Pointing to the significant importance of IORA for the Islamic Republic of Iran, he underlined that illegal sanctions and pressures have not hindered Iran to play its role in this organization properly, adding that Iran has expanded its cooperation since membership and was active in the field of investment, scientific exchange and also participated actively in issues related to women, economic, technical and policy making.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is interested in increasing activity within the IORA framework, especially in international corridors and transits, he noted.

He further pointed to the Iranian port of Cahbahar and said, “In the western part of the Indian Ocean, Chabahar, frameworks can be defined for economic activities.”

“On the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the organization, we must cooperate in various fields, have all-out activities, and all members deserve attention, and the ministerial meeting in Dhaka is a good opportunity to explore ways of further cooperation.

The IORA and Iran meeting started today with a focus on the prospects and opportunities hosted by Iran’s Deputy Foreign Ministry for Economic Diplomacy in Tehran.



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