Economy & Politico

good news iran: Khorasan Razavi ready for extraterrestrial farming in Iraq

The Governor of the province Mohammad Sadegh Motamedian made the announcement in a meeting with Iranian and Iraqi ministers of agriculture.

“Khorasan Razavi province is the second most-populated province and the fourth largest province in Iran and has 835 km of border with Afghanistan and Turkmenistan,” he said.

He added that the second big Iranian airport is in the provincial capital of Khorasan Razavi, Mashhad.

Motamedian noted that 11 percent of the total Iranian gardens are in Khorasan Razavi and 7 percent of the agricultural products of the country are produced in this province.

He added that Khorasan Razavi is the largest producer of saffron in the world.

Khorasan Razavi is the largest producer of red meat, the second-largest producer of eggs, the third-largest producer of milk, the second-largest producer of pistachios, and the second-largest producer of silk cocoons in the country, he said.

It is also the third-largest Iranian province in terms of trade with Iraq and exports to the country.



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